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July 16, 2012
Town of Princeton, MA
July 16, 2012
The meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM in the Annex.  Present were Chairman Edith Morgan, Stan Moss, Neil Sulmasy and Town Administrator John Lebeaux.  

FY12 Warrant #28 & FY13 Warrant #01
The Board reviewed and signed the payroll and vendor warrants from the Treasurer and Accountant.

Regular Meeting- Stan moved to accept the minutes of July 2, 2012.  Neil seconded. All in favor (3-0).
Executive Session- Stan moved to accept the minutes of July 2, 2012, not to be released.  Neil seconded. All in favor (3-0).

Scheduled Meetings & Hearings
Road Advisory Committee
Present were Larry Greene, Terry Thompson, Mickey Splaine, Joe Bellucci, and Kevin Toohey.  
Larry provided an update on RAC activities currently in progress. The RAC has rebuilt 48 miles of road and leveraged $12 million in state/federal funding.
  • He presented an updated FY 13-FY 19 spreadsheet detailing future projects with estimated dates and costs. Included in the suggested spending plan is a request to increase the annual appropriation for Road Reconstruction from $175,000 to $225,000. Larry noted that approximately ten years ago the annual appropriation was $350,000, but it was halved as a result of budgetary pressures. At the same time costs for paving and related road construction expenses have basically quadrupled. Stan noted that neighbors at the southern end of Calamint Hill Road North are disappointed at the condition of their road. Larry noted that it is on the spreadsheet for FY 17 but the RAC prioritizes currently paved roads, that not all residents of the road are in favor of a construction project fearing it would become a busy cut-through, and the very high anticipated costs.
  • There are two locally funded projects in progress. The Hubbardston Road Repaving Project has been bid and awarded. Greene Road will be bid and awarded for a fall construction. Larry asked the Board to support the RAC’s plan to address Gregory Road and Pine Hill Road next. Stan moved and Neil seconded that Board support engineering Gregory Road and Pine Hill Road in FY 13 and having the construction take place in FY 14. All in favor (3-0).
  • He reported that the Mirick Road Reconstruction Project has had trees and stumps removed and the bidding for reconstruction took place on July 5. The project received a MassWorks Infrastructure Program grant of $450,000. Combined tree and stump work was $19,000; low bid for construction was $477,000, totaling $496,000. There is a process that can be pursued to amend the grant to make up the difference which the RAC will pursue. If that fails, the RAC will adjust its program to handle the overage. He discussed the East Princeton Village/Rt. 140 project. In order to have the opportunity to access federal funding, the Town will need to engage a consultant to bring plans to the 25% completion phase. To apply next spring, hoping for federal funding in FY 17 through the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), the 25% plans need to be completed by Feb. 20, 2013. Scope of the project is Rt. 140 from Sterling line (just south of E. Princeton) to Rt. 31 at an estimated cost of $2.7 million. The bridge in E. Princeton is technically a culvert because of its size (less than twenty feet) and does not qualify for the State’s Accelerated Bridge Program; its repair alone is estimated at $1 million. Estimated cost of the consultant is $250,000 which the RAC has programmed with $100,000 in each of FY 13 and FY 14, and the remaining $50,000 in FY 15. A Consultant Selection Committee is required by the process. Larry requested the Board appoint residents Alex Fiandaca, Larry Greene, Mickey Splaine, Kevin Toohey, Highway Supt. Glenn Lyons and Town Administrator John Lebeaux. Stan moved and Neil seconded to appoint those individuals to the East Princeton Village Project Consultant Selection Committee for a term to expire 6/30/13. All in favor (3-0).
  • He reported that as a result of the Greene Road tree hearing process during which residents felt they did not receive sufficient advance notice the RAC is undertaking a Road Construction Notification Process by which residents on roads planned for work will be notified in detail by certified mail in advance of the process. Larry noted that the RAC had consulted the conceptual plan with Greene Road residents for comment. He also noted that residents’ comments have on occasion led to better engineering a better finished project. Stan requested that any abutters’ comments be made in writing. Larry also reported that the RAC is developing a document specifically addressing why tree removals often are necessary to a successful road project.
Auditor Tony Roselli of Roselli, Clark & Associates
Mr. Roselli reported on the FY 2011 Audit. He reviewed the Management Letter which provides a quick overview of the town’s position. He noted that reserve balances have grown dramatically from $900,000 in FY 09 to $1,500,000 in FY 11, a very positive development. Bond rating agencies like to see a reserve ratio greater than 10%. During the FY 09-FY 11 period the reserve ratio has increased from 10.3% to 18.3%. He commented positively on the Board’s conservative budgeting practices and equally conservative revenue forecasting. Mr. Roselli commented positively on the Town’s creation of its Other Employee Post-Retirement Benefits (OPEB) Trust Fund and its action to begin funding. He also favorably referenced the Town’s adoption of Mass. General Law, Chapter 59, Section 5 to reduce the number of tax bills processed without affecting revenue.

He summarized that the Town “stands in a great position.”

Mr. Roselli then reviewed the Letter’s suggestions and findings:
  • He urged the Board to undertake the creation of a formal Fraud and Theft Policy. He emphasized that he was recommending a good practice and not in any way suggesting that any of this type of activity had been noticed during the audit. He offered a general draft version that the town could customize.
  • He suggested that the Accountant or Treasurer engage in Limited Internal Audits but acknowledged that it may be difficult to devote resources to the task.
  • He suggested the creation of a Policies and Procedures Manual to organize current practices in a centralized document and offered a general draft version that the town could customize.
  • He repeated his recommendation of previous years that the Town consolidate the positions of Tax Collector and Treasurer. He was informed that the consolidation took place effective July 1, 2012.
  • He suggested better practices for items of financial reporting, tax commitment procedures, capital leasing, and revolving fund loan accounts that the Town will make effort to implement. He emphasized the Town should make effort to have its Free Cash balance certified more quickly.
He concluded his report by remarking that the town’s financial condition was “Overall, very well.”

Friends of Mechanics Hall
Representing the Friends were Alex Fiandaca, Phil Mighdoll and Ken Seims. The Friends wish to apply for the nomination of Mechanics Hall to the Most Endangered Historic Resources Program conducted annually by Preservation Massachusetts, a non-governmental, non-profit organization. The Friends seek the Board’s written support to the application. Alex explained that the honorary designation draws public attention and may lead to preservation opportunities and grant eligibility. John remarked that should the Board support the application, it was not a commitment of any financial resources by the town.
On a motion by Stan, seconded by Neil the Board voted 3-0 to support the application. John is to coordinate the Board’s letter of support with the Friends and distribute a draft to board members individually for comment.

Old Business
Thomas Prince School Green Repair Project
The windows in the classrooms are replaced and complete except for shades. Windows in the cafeteria are installed and drywall work is ongoing. Kitchen windows are not yet in place; the last schedule estimated completion of kitchen windows on 7/17. A water leak test to be witnessed by the Commissioning Agent is scheduled for 7/25.

On June 28th the Town received its fifth reimbursement in the amount of $73,702. The total reimbursement to date is $736,163. During the week of 7/16 the Town will submit the most recently paid invoices totaling $176,188, anticipating a reimbursement of $93,186. Total cost of the project to date is $1,590,682. The project continues to project under the $2.22 million authorized at the May, 2011 Annual Town Meeting.

Thomas Prince PCB Project
Contractor is putting together its estimate of louver removal and disposal now that the exact locations and number (two on west side of building) have been identified.

Contractor and Consultant are reviewing their preliminary estimates for remaining work to find all savings opportunities but to maintain a plan that in their professional opinion EPA will likely approve. John has asked them to review all previous invoices to identify any work that was not coded as related to window repair and/or replacement as those costs could be charged off to the Green Repair project that has greater capacity. John is doubtful that those costs will be reimbursed by MSBA.

John is meeting next Wed. 7/18 with Consultant and Contractor to review final costs/plan and to agree on the final phase of the project other than the annual monitoring that needs to be part of the submitted plan.

Review Board and Committee Vacancies
The Board reviewed the list prepared by the Town Clerk of existing vacancies.

As requested by John, Stan moved, Neil seconded and the Board voted (3-0) to appoint Linda Albrecht as Parking Clerk for a term to expire June 30, 2015. John reported that he has someone in mind to serve as Assistant Parking Clerk but wanted to approach the individual first.

Fee Comparison Review
The Board reviewed the fees of the Building Department and Parks and Recreation. All seemed appropriate except Stan ask that John inquire about the $45 per hour fee for field rental by Parks and Recreation for rentals by private parties, for profits and premier

New Business
Mass Municipal Association (MMA) Membership Renewal
On a motion by Stan, seconded by Neil the Board voted 3-0 to renew the Town’s membership for FY 13 at a cost of $471.00.

Award Mirick Road Construction Project Bid
The Board reviewed the July 5 bid results. On a motion by Stan, seconded by Neil the Board voted 3-0 to award the Mirick Road Construction Project to E.H. Perkins, Inc. of Hudson, Mass as a result of its low bid of $477,128.00.

Letter of Resignation from Board of Assessors - John Lanpher
The Board received John Lanpher’s July 10, 2012 letter of resignation from the Board of Assessors effective July 1, 2012. John informed the Board that Mass General Law specifies that the Board of Selectmen and the remaining members of the Board of Assessors meet jointly in open session and by roll call vote appoint an Assessor until the next election, May 13, 2013. The Board reviewed its schedule and placed the matter on its August 13 agenda. John will contact the Assessors.

Other Business

Public Comment

Executive Session

The meeting adjourned at 6:58 pm. All were in favor.

Respectfully Submitted,

John Lebeaux
Town Administrator

Referenced Documents:
7 Year Road Plan
Road Reconstruction Process and Notification drafts
Roselli, Clark and Associates FY 2011 Audit and Management Letter
Friends of Mechanics Hall documents regarding nomination to the Most Endangered Historic Resources Program
Board and Committee Appointment List
Department Fee Comparison Sheets
MMA Invoice
John Lanpher, Letter of Resignation from Board of Assessors
MGL Ch 41, S. 11